Our team has over 300 years of Power Generation Rotating Equipment and Electrical Apparatus Design Experience and Business. We resolve OEM & 3rd-Party Reverse Engineering issues, improve robustness, and help owners with repairs. We provide insurance claim support, regarding costing, scope, latent defects by providing efficient assessments, causation and reserve setting experience.
Expertise in Combustion Turbines, Steam Turbines, Generators, Wind Turbines, Reciprocating Engines, Compressors, Pumps, Transformer, Switchgear, and Transmission Line expertise on Property Damage Losses and complete processing plant piping systems.
Vinoski & Associates, Inc. personnel design experts with extensive experience on all turbines, reciprocating engines, compressors, generators, and large rotating machinery and piping system. Our team consists of:
- Helmut Naumann. 50 years of steam and combustion European and US turbine design, a world renowned blade designer and turbine expert. Houston, Texas
- Richard Johnston. Advisor Emeritus. 50 years GE Turbine Design Fellow, and Pratt & Whitney turbine designer. Designer of DARPA Reciprocating Engine Driven Space Vehicles, TACOM, USAF, US NAVY, and NASA.
- Dan Kelso. 45 years marine engineer, turbo machinery and combustion turbine design, repairs, and upgrades at Elliott, North America and Dresser-Rand. T-G systems, auxiliary systems, and packaging. Compressors and all types of drivers; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Frank Kushner. 48 years of experience. Rotor Dynamics, Stress Analysis, Noise, and Vibration Expert in turbomachinery design and applications. Leading Root Cause Failure Analysis for rotor vibration and bladed disk fatigue mitigation. Pioneered bladed disk interaction resonance theory expanding Campbell Diagrams, leading to worldwide utilization of Interference Diagrams, sometimes labeled Safe Diagrams.
- Rick O’Mahony. 45 years Electrical expert with power equipment; i.e. generators and motors and related rotating heavy equipment, power and distribution transformers and the related substation equipment, switchgear and controls. Extensive experience with gas compression, beneficiation and processing from off specification sources. This comes from many years working for Westinghouse Electric, Davy International, Fluor Corporation and Montauk energy.
- Joseph J. Jaskulski. 40+ years power generation utility, construction, finance, equipment failure analysis, and teaching experience at Northwestern University.
- David Kitch. 40 year’s experience in nuclear plant, equipment and hydraulic systems engineering, specializing in pumps and other rotating equipment. Engineering Mentor, develop design criteria, conducted design reviews, managed failure analysis programs, extensive field and shop experience.
- Georg Naumann. 25 years piping design and analysis to the power and process industries. Led design/build efforts for new plants, plant modifications and uprates. Auditor, troubleshooter, and re-designer. ANSYS/Vibration assessments in both nuclear and conventional plants. Equipped with the latest software and experienced personnel to be able to tackle large or small projects from conception to fabrication and erection.
- Alan Spisak has 30 years of generator repair and design experience; his EME team has hundreds of years of combined generator expertise. Specializing in design, troubleshooting, failure analysis, enhancements and uprates, Inspection & testing, and repairs.
- Joseph Daleo. 40+ years of experience focused on gas turbine hot section issues. His Experienced Team at BWD Turbines Limited have a high level of Technical Expertise in the following areas: Superalloy Metallurgy, Gas Turbine Failure Analysis, Metallurgical Evaluation of Service Run & Post Repair Hot Gas Path parts, Development of Independent Component Repair Purchasing Specifications and QA/QC Services during component repairs.
- Rick Johnston. 40 years’ experience with turbo machinery and nuclear plant equipment, processing, and chemical engineer. Houston, Texas.
- Tom Risley. 40 years diesel and reciprocating engine, auxiliary, and marine/shipboard design, repair, and rebuild experience.
- Kenneth Siegman. has 40 years reciprocating engine experience, offshore, commercial and navy propulsion systems design, preventative maintenance, conversions to LP, and failure modes and effects analysis experience.
- Erica Reed. VAI’s Administrator; a nuclear engineer and mathematician, with 5 years of design nuclear experience. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Walter Vinoski. 37 years of machinery failure modes and effects analysis experience, on large rotating equipment and electrical apparatus. Nuclear and atomic device clearances. Former owner and operator of biomass power plants, and operator of gas and coal plants. Power plant construction manager for gas plants. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
All this design experience is balanced with an array of business experience to help you get back on your proforma profit goals, via design verification, expediting, additional expenses, etc.
Where? The America’s, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Israel. A portion of our proceeds are given to The Vinoski Foundation.